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Karteikarten von sulomanterzi2001, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von sulomanterzi2001 vor fast 9 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
how many lobes is the brain divided into the brain is divided into 4 lobes
what is a occipital lobe specialises in receiving and processing visual information
name 3 primary emotions disgust, sadness and anger
name me 3 secondary emotions jealousy, hope and pride
what does cognition lead to it leads to learning that is essential for survival
name 3 functions of emotion cognition, social and health
how do u experience mood if u get good grade u will b in good mood
what emotions r known to be taught first primary emotions
why is secondary emotions learnt later coz they r more complex
how is emotion experienced as a feeling that motivates
when r primary emotions thought to emerge from birth
what does frontal lobe specialise cognitive skills
what r primary emotions basic emotions
what r secondary emotions complex emotions
which emotion do u use to make u learnhow to communicate with others inborn emotion
when r secondary emotions demontrated usually after the second or third year of age
whats more important hard-wired or systeising they r both important for u
do males and females feel emotion the same way as males do no
who has higher level of empathy males or females females has a higher empathy than males
do males and females have different characteristics no males and females may have common charactersistics
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