Erstellt von Bryony Whitehead
vor mehr als 8 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
(sin) recibir renumeración | (without) receiving pay |
adecuar senderos | to adapt/improve paths |
aeropuerto | airport |
agua potable | drinking water |
alojarse | to stay |
alquilar | to rent |
ampliación | expansion |
aprender (un idioma) | to learn (a language) |
aprovecharse de | to make the most of |
arrojar basura | to throw rubbish |
atascos | traffic jam |
autopista | motorway |
aves | birds |
bañarse en el mar | to swim in the sea |
bronceador | suncream |
buscar | to look for |
camarero | waiter |
cangrejos | crabs |
carretera | main road |
circulación | traffic |
cocinero | chef |
colaborar con programas humanitarios | to take part in humanitarian programmes |
comer helados | to eat ice cream |
conllevar | to entail, involve |
conocer a nuevos amigos | to meet new friends |
conocer la historia y cultura | to get to know the history and culture |
conseguir | to achieve |
contrato temporal | seasonal contract |
convivir | to live with |
dañino | damaging |
de forma desinteresada | in an unselfish way |
de temporada | seasonal |
degustar | to taste, sample |
dejar atrás el frío | to leave the cold behind |
depender del turismo | to depend on tourism |
desarrollo | development |
descalzo | barefoot |
descancar | to relax |
desconectarse | to disconnect, switch off |
destruir | to destroy |
duchas | showers |
el barro | mud |
el clima | climate |
el complejo | (tourist) complex |
el consumo | consumption |
el despilfarro | waste |
el dueño | boss, owner |
el ecosistema | ecosystem |
el entorno natural | natural surroundings |
el extranjero | abroad |
el lince ibérico | Iberian lynx |
el litoral | coastline |
el negocio, la empresa, la compaña | business, company |
el paisaje | countryside |
el patinaje | skating |
el patrimonio | heritage |
el uso de energías renovables | use of renewable energy |
embarcar | to board, embark |
embellecer | to make beautiful |
enriquecer | to enrich |
envoltorio | wrapping |
estar a gusto | to be at ease |
estar a tope | to be at my best |
estar al aire libre | to be outside |
fomentar | to encourage |
gafas de sol | sunglasses |
ganarse la vida | to earn a living |
gastar mucho dinero | to spend lots of money |
gozar de | to enjoy |
hacer castillos en la arena | to make sandcastles |
hacer un curso de... | to do a course in... |
hacer una barbacoa | to do a BBQ |
hotel de lujo | luxury hotel |
impacto estético | visual impact |
impartir clases | to give lessons |
insolación | sunstroke |
instalciones | facilities |
invierno | winter |
ir de camping | to go camping |
juguetes | toys |
juntarse con | to join up with |
la arena | sand |
la biodiversidad | biodiversity |
la escasez | scarcity, lack |
la lidia, la tauromaqia | bulfighting |
la ola | wave |
la vela | sailing |
las chancletas | sandals |
levantarse pronto/tarde | to get up early/late |
los jubilados | retired people |
los procedentes | those coming from |
los rayos UV | UV rays |
los recursos naturales | natural resources |
marisma | marshland |
más sequía | more drought |
menos lluvia | less rain |
nadar | to swim |
nocivo para | poisonous for |
país exótico | exotic country |
pasar | to spend time |
pasarlo bien | to have a good time |
perjudicar al medio ambiente | to damage the environment |
postales | postcards |
pozo de emergencia | emergency well |
proteger | to protect |
pueblo costero | coastal town/village |
Puerto deportivo | sports villages, sports ports |
realizar su sueño | to carry out your dream |
recuerdos | souvenirs |
rejuvener | to rejuvenate |
rentable | profitable |
restringir | to restrict |
ropa ligera | light, airy clothes |
ruido | noise |
salario mínimo | minimum wage |
Semana Santa | Easter |
senderismo | hiking |
sitio tranquilo | a quiet place |
sudar | to sweat |
temporada | season |
temporada baja | low season |
tomar el sol | sunbathe |
trabajar como voluntario | to work as a volunteer |
trabajar mano a mano | to work side by side |
trabajo a tiempo parcial | part time work |
tumbarse en la playa | to lie on the beach |
turismo sostenible | sustainable tourism |
un balneario | a spa |
un bronceado | a tan |
un charco | puddle |
un destino | destination |
un espacio protegido | a protected space |
un horario rígido | a strict timetable |
un lugar | place |
un todo terreno | a 4x4 vehicle |
un viaje ecológico/solidario | a green/caring trip |
una barbaridad | a travesty |
una casita en el campo | a country cottage |
una estancia | a stay |
una experiencia inolvidable | an unforgettable experience |
una experiencia reveladora | a revealing experience |
una gorra | a hat, cap |
una inversión | investment |
una sensación de bienestar | a feeling of well being |
vacaciones de salud y belleza | health and beauty holidays |
vacaciones deportivas | sports holidays |
vacaciones escolares | school holidays |
ver una corrida | to watch a bullfight |
verano | summer |
vestir ropa cómoda | to wear comfortable clothes |
viajar | to travel |
vigilar | to watch over, supervise |
vivienda de lujo | luxury villa |
volver a casa | to retu home |
vuelo | flight |
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