section one


PE and your healthy active lifestyle
Karteikarten von NJW330, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von NJW330 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Whats the definition of competence .
whats the definition of performance .
how does being creative give you an advantage when you play sport .
explain the meaning of\; physical well being,mental well being,social well being .
what do the letters PEASED stand for .
access to green space is an indicator of good health.Give 2 other examples of how to measure health and well being .
what is the definition of excercise .
2 social benefits of physical activity .
describe 3 mental benefits of physical activity .
describe 5 mental benefits of physical activity .
explain what aesthetic appreciation means .
what is the role of a) player/performer b) an organiser .
describe what a choreographer does .
what skill do official need to be good at their roles .
explain what a coach does .
explain the role of a captain .
give 2 ways that volunteers help sport to take place .
give 2 benefits of volunteering in sport .
for each of the following activities write down a skill associated with it and what counts as a success in that activity .
games activity .
athletic activity .
dance activities .
gymnastic activities .
survival and adventure activities .
fitness and health actvities .
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