Sources of the UK Constitution


AS - Level Government and Politics Karteikarten am Sources of the UK Constitution , erstellt von Julia Sabrina Be am 04/04/2016.
Julia Sabrina Be
Karteikarten von Julia Sabrina Be, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Julia Sabrina Be
Erstellt von Julia Sabrina Be vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Major Constitutional Documents Documents that express important constitutional principles (ex. the Magna Carta -1215)
Commentaries by constitutional experts Clear and accurate interpretations of the constitution by experts ("The English Constitution" by Walter Bagehot) (Experts include A.V. Dicey, Thomas Erskine)
Statute Law Acts of parliament that impact constitutional structure - MP's & Powers of the gov. (Wales Act 1998)
Prerogative Powers of the Crown powers of privileges performed in the past by the monarch - now done in their name by PM (Declaring war, signing treaties)
Laws & Customs of Parliament Rules relating to the procedures of the House and of its members (Where members sit & speak / form & style of debate)
Common Law A body of rules that has developed over a long period time - the traditional basis of Britain (Citizens Rights like free spech & assembly)
Conventions Rules that guide our constitutional behaviour, customs of political practice that are usually accepted & observed (knowledge that the choice of PM should be made from the Commons)
EU Laws & Treaties Body of constitutional law that had already been passed on the creation of the E.C. - Primary Legislation and secondary law that takes precedence over UK Law (Treaty of Rome - 1957) (Treaty of Libson 2009)
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