Erstellt von Hansa Luximan
vor etwa 11 Jahre
Frage | Antworten |
Editing | Pudovkin = film is not shot, it is built. Hitchcock = scene is a piece of raw material which must be broken up, taken to bits before being woven into expressive visual pattern. |
Selectivity | Basic editing function = best shots. Editor chooses segments provide powerful, effective, significant visual and sound. |
In camera editing | Single shot. George Melies manipulates limit. Rearranging mise en scene. |
Shooting ratio - coverage | Cameraperson provides many takes of same action. Relationship between length and shot and which is used is called shooting ration. Coverage - number of shots of particular scene are taken from different angles/distances. Master shot intercut. Smooth editing of the finished scene. |
Post production | Rough cut, final cut. Fiction films - dailies in order to evaluate available footage. Post production, editor assembles takes into rough cut, making larger units. |
Shot transitions | Fade in, fade out Rear Window - passing of time Dissolve, lap dissolve Wipes, editing rules to limit number of probable combinations. |
Continuity Editing | System that uses cuts to establish space and tell stories efficiently, require min mental efforts from viewer. Each shot has a continuous relationship to next shot. -establishing shot, imaginary 180 degree space in which action happens -approximate experience of real time by following human actions |
Spatial continuity | establishing shot two shot reestablishing shots inserts cutaway non diegetic insert |
Transitional devices | Dissolves, fades, manipulate duration of narration. Acceptance of conventions, else we would be disoriented. Cutaway, condense time Duration of shots determine pace of editing. Controlling pace = long takes |
Inserts | Brief shot, close up, shot of a hand slipping into a pocket, smile that another character doesn't see. |
Non diegetic insert | Breaks continuity. Introduce object from outside of the world. |
Temporal Relations | Condense or expand time. Flashback, flashforward. |
Abstract editing | Match on action, direction of an action is editing to a shot depicting continuation of action. |
Disjunctive editing | Visible editing, links shots in less predictable relationships. Aesthetics, conceptual or psychological reasons. Disorient, disturb viewers JUMP CUT. |
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