Questions using Present Simple and Continuous


Level: Elementary
Cristina Cabal
Karteikarten von Cristina Cabal, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Cristina Cabal
Erstellt von Cristina Cabal vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Are you reading any interesting books these days? Which ones? Yes, I am reading...
What TV shows are you watching now? I am watching...
What do you think your best friend is doing right now? My best friend is probaby....
What do you usually do when you are on holiday? When I am on holidays I usually...
Are you thinking of finding a new boyfriend/ girlfriend?” ???? ;)
What do you usually do on your days off? On my days off, I usually...
What are you carrying in your pockets now? I am carrying....
How much money are you carrying with you now? I am carrying...
What are some things you do every day? I....
What do you do at your job? I...
Which perfume/ aftershave are you wearing today? Today I am wearing...
What is something you eat almost every day? I always eat....
What is your morning routine? How about your evening routine? In the morning I.... and in the evening I ...
What do you do in your free time? In my free time I....
Do you buy lottery tickets?Explain I...
What are you thinking about? I am thinking about...
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