Vocab Unit 8 - Christian Hirales


Karteikarten am Vocab Unit 8 - Christian Hirales, erstellt von chirales am 29/01/2014.
Karteikarten von chirales, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von chirales vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Animosity There was deep animosity hiding beneath their fake intentions.
Apathy There was a sense of apathy over the argument.
Apprehensive As the hurricane approached, apprehensive residents prepared for the worst
Commend They mayor commended the young people for their volunteer work.
Compatible Eyewitness accounts of an accident rarely are totally compatible.
Condolence My sincere condolences for your loss
Consecrate The ceremony required consecration for this event.
Decrepit He may look old for his age but he is hardly decrepit.
Deride For that reason people find jokes that deride offensive.
Ingenuous Dickens uses harsh words for those who take advantage of ingenuous people.
Multifarious Leonardo da Vinci was a man of multifarious interests.
Obsolete The toy we bought for my nephew proved to be obsolete.
Omnivorous For an omnivorous eater you sure do eat a lot of meat.
Parsimonious Since the Great Depression people have started to look for a more parsimonious lifestyle.
Quandary I could see no way out of the ethical quandary i found myself in.
Recalcitrant A recalcitrant individual would spend over 10 hours in a dungeon in the dark times.
Reprisal Some clans of Scotland engaged in cattle rustling in reprisal for real or imagined injuries.
Revel Some movie stars do not revel with the attention they receive.
Stultify Oppressive heat may stultify the mind and spirit as well as inside the body.
Suave Rick is particularly suave around the boss.
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