Hodgkin Lymphoma


masters Nursing Science 3 Karteikarten am Hodgkin Lymphoma, erstellt von Mark George am 05/02/2014.
Mark George
Karteikarten von Mark George, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mark George
Erstellt von Mark George vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Lymphomas - malignant tumors of: Primary lymphoid tissue (thymus) Secondary tissue (lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils)
Pathophysiology: Abnormal chromosomes present in cells of lymph nodes. - Reed-Sternberg cell (RS cells) - not specific to HL Usually arises in a single node Molecular mechanisms causing malignant transformation of cells are unclear - Viruses, genetic factors
Clinical Manifestations: 1st sign: enlarged unilateral painless swelling or mass in neck. CXR shows mediastinal mass Enlargement of cervical, axillary & inguinal lymph nodes common. Fever / sweating / weight loss
Diagnosis: May be difficult due to variety of symptoms. CXR, biopsy, lymphangiography Identify stage once diagnosis made
Treatment: Cure possible regardless of stage (75% success rate). Chemotherapy. Radiation therapy. HIgh dose chemo w/ BM or stem cell transplant (latest Tx option)
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