Chapter 2 Variables, expressions and statements


AS - Level Computer Science (CS 1101 Python) Karteikarten am Chapter 2 Variables, expressions and statements, erstellt von Troy Bowlin am 01/05/2016.
Troy Bowlin
Karteikarten von Troy Bowlin, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Troy Bowlin
Erstellt von Troy Bowlin vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Value One of the basic units of data, like a number or string, that a program manipulates.
Type A category of values. The types we have seen so far are integers (type int), floating-point numbers (type float), and strings (type str).
Integer A type that represents whole numbers.
Floating-point A type that represents numbers with fractional parts.
String A type that represents sequences of characters.
Variable A name that refers to a value.
Statement A section of code that represents a command or action. So far, the statements we have seen are assignments and print statements.
Assignment A statement that assigns a value to a variable.
State Diagram A graphical representation of a set of variables and the values they refer to.
Keyword A reserved word that is used by the compiler to parse a program; you cannot use keywords like if, def, and while as variable names.
Operator A special symbol that represents a simple computation like addition, multiplication, or string concatenation.
Operand One of the values on which an operator operates.
Floor Division The operation that divides two numbers and chops off the fraction part.
Expression A combination of variables, operators, and values that represents a single result value.
Evaluate To simplify an expression by performing the operations in order to yield a single value.
Rules of Precedence The set of rules governing the order in which expressions involving multiple operators and operands are evaluated.
Concatenate To join two operands end-to-end.
Comment Information in a program that is meant for other programmers (or anyone reading the source code) and has no effect on the execution of the program.
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