Software types


=D Computing Karteikarten am Software types, erstellt von eward811 am 05/05/2016.
Karteikarten von eward811, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von eward811 vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Custom written (Bespoke) software is... ... Software that is made for a specific person's needs.
Off the shelf software is... ... A pre-made program made for a wide audience
Open Source software is... ... software that is distributed with the source code
Proprietary software is... ... Software that is distributed without the source code
Microsoft office and Adobe suite are... ...examples of off the shelf software
Linux and VLC media player... ...Examples of open source software
On-line resources are more likely to be found for... ... Off the shelf software because more people have access to it.
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