Business 1 Equations


Karteikarten am Business 1 Equations , erstellt von Scott Pearce am 11/05/2016.
Scott Pearce
Karteikarten von Scott Pearce, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Scott Pearce
Erstellt von Scott Pearce vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Revenue Quantity x Price
Total Costs Fixed Costs + Variable Costs
Profit/Loss Revenue - Total Costs
Total Variable Costs Variable Costs per unit x Quantity made
Break Even Fixed Costs ___________________________ Selling Price - Variable Cost per Unit
Total Contribution Contribution per Unit x Units Sold
Contribution per Unit Selling price - Variable Cost per Unit
Margin of Safety Sales Volume - Break Even output
Market Size by Volume Units Sold + Units Sold
Market Size by Value Units Sold x Selling Price
Market Share (Value or Volume) (Sales £ or Quantity of firm A / Total Market size
Market Growth (new market size - old market size) / old market size x 100
Monthly Balance Cash inflow for time period - Cash outflow
Closing Balance Opening Balance + Monthly Balance
Opening Balance Closing Balance from previous time period
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