random flip cards about ICT


Karteikarten am random flip cards about ICT, erstellt von annoying anonymous am 13/02/2014.
annoying anonymous
Karteikarten von annoying anonymous , aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
annoying anonymous
Erstellt von annoying anonymous vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is the difference between IMAP4 and POP3 IMAP4 is emails pushed directly to phone/copy of mail is kept on both server and client and POP3 requires users to access email via an internet mail account/mail deleted from server when sent to client
What is streming streming is the ability to view/listen to content ‘live’ whilst it is being downloaded to the computer. Don’t have to wait for entire movie to download before watching. Does not use (as much) local storage. Wider selection of media/movies.
what is Geo tagging Geo tagging are GPS coordinates so that you can see where they were taken Allow you to attach images to an online map
Is one GB(gigabits) smaller or bigger than one TB(terabits) Smaller
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