Britain 1951 to 1964


An overview of each Prime Minister in the period and the similarities running throughout.
Beth B5236
Karteikarten von Beth B5236, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Beth B5236
Erstellt von Beth B5236 vor fast 9 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Churchill 1951 - 1955
Eden 1955 - 1957
Macmillan 1957 - 1963
Home 1963 - 1964
CHURCHILL Political Events and Personalities 1. 'Cautious, conciliatory and undogmatic' - Paul Adelman. 2. A general continuation of Labour's welfare and employment policies. 3. key Personalities: Rab Butler (Chancellor), Anthony Eden (Foreign Secretary) and Harrold Macmillan (Housing Secretary).
CHURCHILL Economic 1. Chancellor Rab Butler - full employment, mixed economy and military defence spending. 2. Short term plans only - looking to the next election. 3. 'Butskellism'.
CHURCHILL Social 1. Immigration - Empire Windrush, 1948. 2. Ealing comedies. 3. Television Act, 1954, established commercial TV. 4. Coronation of Elizabeth II, 1953.
CHURCHILL Foreign 1. Benning of the retreat from Empire (India 1947). 2. Mau Mau uprising in Kenya, 1952. 3. Schuman Plan, 1950 (the beginnings of the EEC).
EDEN Political Events and Personalities 1. Serious political fallout from the Suez Crisis. 2. Resigned on the grounds of ill health in 1957.
EDEN Economic 1. Short turn plans, only looking to the next election. 2. Wages, car ownership and TV licences rose. 3. Economic problems from America following Suez.
EDEN Social The Age of Affluence
EDEN Foreign 1. Suez Crisis, 1956. 2. Decolonisation. 3. 'Missed the bus' in Europe.
MACMILLAN Political Events and Personalities 1. 'Never had it so good' speech. 2. Aristocratic in his dress and demeanour, but actually had quite radical views on social justice. Almost joined the Labour Party in the 1930s. 3. Classical post-war consensus views. 4. Limited opposition as there were internal divisions in Labour between 'Gaitskellities' and 'Bevanites'. 4. Scandal - Vassal Scandal and the Profumo Affiar.
MACMILLAN Economics 1. Mixed economy and lose Keynesianism. 2. Aimed to avoid the extremes of inflation and deflation by a series of adjustments to meet particular problems as they came along. 3. Budget Politics - Criticism that they were used as short-term measures to buy votes. 4. 'Stop-go' and stagflation.
MACMILLAN Social 1. One-Nation Conservatism, The Middle Way was concerned with the mass unemployment of the 1930s and built on Labour's significant reforms. 2. Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 1962. 3. Nottinghill Riots, 1958. 4. British 'New Wave' of cinema produced realistic films such as 'Don't Look Back in Anger', 1959. 5. Full uncensored version of Lady Chatterley's Lover published by Penguin.
MACMILLAN Foreign 1. Hola Camp Massacre, 1959. 2. 'Wind of change' speech - South Africa, 1960. 3. Cost-Benefit analysis. 4. Decolonisation. 5. Applied to join the EEC, 1961, but it was vetoed by De Gaulle.
HOME Political Events and Personalities 1. Was a Peer but resigned and fought a bi-election. 2. '[His] aristocratic background, his lack of experience in the Commons and his remoteness from ordinary people, made him totally unsuitable for the leadership of the country'.
HOME Economic 1. Poor industrial growth rate. 2. Too much spent on military defence - in 1964 10% of GDP was spent on defence (only the USA spent more). 3. 'Stop-go'.
HOME Foreign 1. Decolonisation. 2. 'Britain had lost an empire and has not yet found a role' - Dean Acheson.
Key Themes throughout the period 1. Decolonisation and an finding a new position in the world. 2. The ECC - 'missed the bus' and then trying to join. 3. The post-war consensus. 4. 'Stop-go' and short term economic planning. 5. Youth subculture and social disorder - Teddy Boys. 6. Tony Benn - 'a decade of hope'.
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