RE Life issues: Animals - Questions and answers


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Karol Kierzkowski
Karteikarten von Karol Kierzkowski, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Karol Kierzkowski
Erstellt von Karol Kierzkowski vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Give reasons why religious believers should/not eat meat. Religious teachings encourage them not to, e.g. 1st Precept, ahimsa / regard it as cruel / do not like the taste / worry about disease / sacred cows / not halal / not kosher / not good stewardship / because they are vegetarian or vegan.
Explain briefly what is meant by the term "vegan“. Do not use any products that come from animals e.g. meat, eggs, leather. This can be down to religious reasons where people feel that animals must not be used for our pleasure.
Give reasons why religious believers should/not hunt animals. Putting animals through undue pain and suffering. We have domination over animals and this gives us rights over them – this may lead them to believe that hunting animals is okay. There are also some Christians who believe that animals do not have souls and therefore will not go to heaven unlike us. This provides a reason for why they feel that we are at the top of the community and have domination. They may also believe that animals can be used for human gain – as long as their suffering is considered. Ideas of domination and animals being “soulless” could be used to support an argument for why Christians could hunt animals. However, Jesus teaches about showing love and kindness to all things and causing animals undue suffering through game sports for our entertainment does not show kindness or love. Some denominations are also particularly against the hunting of animals. The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) is strongly against hunting of animals as well as zoos, animal circuses and the wearing of fur.
Give 2 reasons why some animals are kept in zoos. So they can be seen by the public / entertainment / education purposes / to preserve species / breeding programme / help understand them / because they are dangerous / mark for each of two valid reasons.
Give 2 reasons why animals can make good companions for people. Have souls and are therefore the equivalent to human friends, bring entertainment and pleasure to your life. Need taking care of and looking after – which is desired by many people (especially those who may have older children that no longer need this care). They also are always around (particularly animals like dogs) and so provide constant companionship, which is sometimes craved.
Give reasons why religious believers should/not buy fur clothes. Involves slaughter of animals / often threatened species / often result of poaching / question of legality / respect for created life / principle of ahimsa / fake fur is just as good / socially unacceptable etc. Some animals bred for their fur / no different than keeping animals for meat or using their skins for leather / if an animal is killed for its meat why not use its fur? / traditional / cultural / dominion / economic benefits / keeps people warm.
Describe what religious people might do to help protect wildlife. Join animal welfare groups like the World Wild Fund for Nature (WWF) or the RSPCA / raise awareness e.g. write to press / MPs / monitor treatment of animals / celebrate International Animal Rights Day on December 10th / candlelight vigils / protest marches / petitions / personally set an example / prayer / sponsor an animal.
Religious people have a duty to save endangered animals from extinction. Why/not? Buddhist idea of Interdependence / loving kindness / Christian belief that they are God’s creation / stewardship (Genesis 1:28) / value of each living creature (Luke 12:6) / Hindu belief in sanctity of all life / samsara / Islamic belief that Allah appointed humans as trustees over wildlife / Jews believe we have responsibility over all creation / Sikhs believe we are the custodians of the world / duty to look after God’s creation / could join organisations like WWF / could adopt (sponsor) an animal, etc.
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