brain structure: basics


brain parts and such
Alice Nugu
Karteikarten von Alice Nugu, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alice Nugu
Erstellt von Alice Nugu vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
anterior 'in front of' - the frontal part of the brain
posterior back of brain (ie. towards the back)
superior ABOVE the brain (birds eye view)
inferior (aka ventral) below the brain (bttom/ towards the mouth)
lateral side-view of the brain
Frontal Lobe motor functioning, smell, planning and movement.
occipital lobe sight; visual processing
temporal lobe auditory stimuli
parietal lobe sensory information, recgnition and perception
cerebellum motor activity, very limited reseawrch to know more.
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