East Asia People


Grade 9 History of Asia Karteikarten am East Asia People, erstellt von Joanne Versteeg am 25/05/2016.
Joanne Versteeg
Karteikarten von Joanne Versteeg, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Joanne Versteeg
Erstellt von Joanne Versteeg vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Confucius philosopher and teacher, founded Confucianism, important position in government, poor family but well educated, believed everyone should be righteous and he create rituals
Zheng He built amazing ships for the Ming Dynasty, died on 7th and final expedition
Kublai Khan grandson of Genghis Khan, was a Chinese Mongol because he adapted to Chinese customs, language, religion, and clothing; he also had a Chinese wife. people from his army (Mongols) were forced to farm even though they are fierce warriors.
Empress Wu only female Emperor ever (ruled during Tang Dynasty) was wife of 2 emperors & took over when 1 got sick, created secret police, lowered taxes, increased agricultural production, & built Buddhist temples. chaos when she left.
Shang Yang standardized writing, weights, measurements, an currency.. lived during the Qin Dynasty.
Shi Huang di "1st Emperor" (in Qin Dynasty), destroyed books because he wanted to restart history, used legalism in government
Liu Bang (Emperor Gaozu) made a stable government with Qin policies and officials educated in Confucianism and elements of Taoism/ Daoism
Li Yuan (Emperor Gaozu) ruler of Tang Dynasty (China's Golden Age), Buddhist and Confucian beliefs (Buddhist monks taught Confucian classics) overthrown by his son: Taizong
Jurchens also called Ruzhen, established the Jin Dynasty, captured Kaifeng in 1126
Shu Yuanzhang (Emperor Taizu) ruler of Ming Dynasty, drove the Mongols out of China, moved the capital to Nanking, enforced the autocratic rule and abolished the cabinet
Cixi Empress, westernized but had to maintain traditional customs & values, there were also many financial problems
Sun Yat-sen was a peasant educated in Hawaii (also converted to Christianity when there), returned to China to study medicine, gave up medicine for revolutionary ideas, made the 3 principles of the people (Nationalism, Democracy, and Livelihood)
Mao Zedong peasant from Hunan province, education: Chinese classics + modern original member of China's Communist Party & made communist army, led the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, had "little red book" full of his ideas
Yuan Shih-Kai seen as the only person who could unite China and end the power of war lords, 1st president of Revolutionary China, had leader of Nationalist Party killed, tried making himself Emperor
Deng Xiaoping took over after Mao Zedong (had been with Mao his whole life), made the one child policy, four modernizations, and the SEZ's
Kim Il Sung original ruler of Communist North Korea, when he died he appointed his 1st son: Kim Jong-il
Kim Jong-il 1st son of Kim Il Sung, was appointed to rule Communist North Korea when his father died, but was too Western and had to give the power to his younger brother KIm Jong-un
Kim Jong-un 2nd on of Kim IL Sung, was appointed to rule Communist North Korea because his older brother (KIm Jong- il) was too Western
Li Keqiang the premier in Modern China, he was appointed by the president
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