Lutheran Reformation


A Levels History (Reformation 1500-1564) Karteikarten am Lutheran Reformation, erstellt von rlshindmarsh am 24/04/2013.
Karteikarten von rlshindmarsh, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von rlshindmarsh vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Events of the Peasants war? Began near Schaffhausen, reached peak in 25, Germany in turmoil Not organised series of revolts no Lutheran cooperation 100,000 executed
Long term Causes of the peasants revolt? landlords restrict freedom to move exploitation due to unspecified limitations population increase by 0.7 a year 1 in four years was a failed harvest tax increase to pay for turkish war
What were the memmingon articles? 12 demands including: freedom to hunt restriction of compulsory services, so not exploited as much reduction in rent abolishing of tithes – taxes to bishop
When did Charles V become Emperor? 1519
Who were the two key knights that led the attack on the Archbishop of trier's lands in 1522? Ulrich Von Hutten - Humanist scholar Franz Von Sickingen - Shameless power grabber
When did Luther die? 1546
when did Luther burn the Papal bull of excommunicaton? December 1520
When was the Babylonish captivity of the church published, what was it about? Oct 1520 denies the existence of free will and the holiness of four sacraments
When was The Freedom of the Christian man published, what did it say? Nov 1520, emphasized that good works reflect, but don't 'give' grace to the purveyor
When did Maurice of Saxony Reconvert to Catholicism? 1546
When did Maurice of Saxony First Reconvert to Protestantism? 1552
What/when was the treaty of Chambord? January 1552 Alliance betwen teh catholic King of France Henry II and Maurice of Saxony, agreeing that if Maurice ceded three bishoprics Henry would provide him with support to attack Charles V
when did the imperial knights attack the lands of the archbishop of trier? 1522, completely defeated by 1523
when did the diet of Spreyer take place? 1929 attempt to get the edict of Worms implemented, this is protested
when was the diet of augsburg? 1530 Confession of augsburg is written, Prots attempt compromise but talks fail when caths don't
what was the role of Philip Melancathon? held luthers Moderate stance in Wittenburg, Loci Communes 1521 Wrote the augsburg confession 1530
when did Wurttenberg become protestant? 1534
When was the Diet of Regensburg? 1541 after this charles and the catholic princes decide to fight the prots
when did Luther Write the Big and Little Catechisms? 1529
when was the Peasants War? 1524-5
When did Luther Write 'Against the Murderous Hordes of Peasants'? 1525
When was the Schmalkaldic League established? who were its leaders 1531 Philip of Hesse, John of saxony
When was Hesse penalised for Bigamy? 1540
When was the battle of Marburg? 1547
When was the Interim of Augsburg? 1548
When was the Peace of Crepey? 1544
When was the religious peace of Augsburg? 1555
when was the seige of Vienna 1529
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