Treaty of Vesailles


GCSE History (Unit: International relations 1919-1960) Karteikarten am Treaty of Vesailles, erstellt von Bizzie Ascham am 05/06/2016.
Bizzie Ascham
Karteikarten von Bizzie Ascham, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Bizzie Ascham
Erstellt von Bizzie Ascham vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What did Clemenceau want from the Treaty? Wanted hard punishment on Germany Wanted revenge Wanted to make Germany pay-reparations Wanted independent Rhineland and Alsace-Lorraine Wanted Germany weak
What did Lloyd George want from the Treaty? A compromise Wanted to punish Germany but did not want revenge Protect British Empire and Navy To be able to keep trade Did not want to anger Germany
What did Wilson want from the Treaty? His 14 points A world safe for democracy Self-determination International cooperation
What did Clemenceau get from the Treaty? Liked Clause 231 Disarmament Reparations Getting back Alsace-Lorraine Getting mandates Disliked Saar(only got for 15 years) Wanted an independent Rhineland
What did Lloyd George get from the Treaty? Liked Reducing German navy getting German colonies and mandates Disliked Wilson's ideas about colonies and freedom of sees Clemenceau's harshness JM Keynes said that reparations would cause another war Harold Nicolson thought that the League was neither just or wise
What did Wilson get from the Treaty? Liked League of Nations Self-determination for Poland, Czechoslovakia etc. Disliked Many of his 14 points were ignored Britain opposed freedom of seas only defeated powers were made to disarm colonies were given no say in their future
What were the two main things Wilson wanted to achieve with his 14 points? To Prevent another war To achieve self determination
What were the military restrictions put on Germany? 100,000 men No submarines No conscription No Airplanes 6 battleships 15,000 sailors No gas weapons No heavy artillery Rhineland demilitarized
How much territorial loss came about from the treaty? 10% of its land All of its colonies 12% of its population 16% of its coalfields 15% of its agricultural land Half its iron and steel industry Lost Danzig, Saar coalfields and Alsace-Lorraine
How much in Reparations did it have to pay? £6,600 billion in instalments until 1984
What union was forbidden by the Treaty? Anschluss-Germany and Austria
What countries were made independent? Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania
What could Germany not do regarding the League of Nations? Join the Covenant
What did the Treaty lead to in Germany? Riots Kapp Putsch(1920) Weimar Government lacked support due to 'stab in the Back'
What was the Importance of the Treaty? Big Three Negotiated Outlined principles for further treaties Set up League of Nations Major powers-drew the political map for the next 20 years Led to Hitler and WW2
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