Tolerance and Discrimination


Karteikarten am Tolerance and Discrimination, erstellt von michaela-leitner am 07/06/2016.
Karteikarten von michaela-leitner, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von michaela-leitner vor fast 9 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Tolerance and Discrimination (Immigration)
What are Stereotypes?... ... are a simplified concept of a group of people -> a public idea. ... can be positive, negative or neutral. ... make us ignore differences between individuals, therefore we think things about people that might not be true.
What are Prejudices?... (1) ... is an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or a group because of race/ethnicity, age, social class, gender, disability, political beliefs, reliogion or sexual orientation. ... is not reasonable or logical.
What are Prejudices?... (2) ... is a false judgement someone makes about someone else without having enough facts about that person. ... is socially learned and is usually grounded in misconception and misunderstanding.
Situation in Syria! civil war since 2011 ISIS brings terror to the whole country social system is extremly bad no work everything is bombed no schools no hospitals discrimination of women
Push Factors! the biggest: war!! famine unemployment oppression violence and armed conflicts racial or religious persecution isolation poverty
Pull Factors! education for everyone peace a safer atmosphere improvement in the standard of living quality of education no social compulsions potential for employment
Problems Syrian Migrants Face in Austria/Europe other Religion other language no family and friends no work no money other culture hostility
problems for host countries losing work other language fear of war fear of the unknown people mabye terror groups overfilled refugee camps recent terror attacks
What sort of help might a recently arrived refugee Need? refugees need to feel welcomed a friendly smile and hello help to get around patience (Geduld) -> learning a language can take time best way to help is to befriend them support to the individual's needs
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