Words relevant to Blood Brothers


Karteikarten am Words relevant to Blood Brothers, erstellt von Alex Haynes am 08/06/2016.
Alex Haynes
Karteikarten von Alex Haynes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Alex Haynes
Erstellt von Alex Haynes vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
A Adoption - One of Ms Johnstone's babies was put up for adoption. Antidepressants - Mickey had to take antidepressants to cope with his depression. Affair - Linda had an affair with Edward when she is married with Mickey and Mickey finds out.
B Biological - Mrs Lyons was not Edward's biological mother because she was given him by his real mother, Ms Johnstone. Blood brothers - Mickey and Edward are interested by their matching birth dates when they first meet and they become blood brothers. Betrayal - Linda betrays Mickey by having an affair with Edward. Bribery - Mrs Lyons uses money to get Ms johnstone to let her keep the baby. This can also be seen later on in the play when she bribes Ms Johnstone again to leave Edward alone.
C Crime - Mickey is forced to commit a crime with Sammy in order to get the money. Crisis - Ms Johstone is in a crisis at the start of the play because she does not have much money and her husband left her. Consequences - Ms Johnstone had to pay the consequences for not paying the debts.
D Debts - Ms Johstone, in the beginning of the play, is loaded with debts that she struggles to pay off by herself. Diagnosis - Mickey is diagnosed with depression while he is in prison due to the loss of his only job.
E Emotions - Mickey, a cheerful young boy at the start of his life, later turns out to be diagnosed with depression which sends hm on a roller-coaster of emotions.
F Fertility - Ms Johnstone is shown to be fertile as she gives birth to twins and five other children prior to that. Finance - Ms Johnstone is in a financial crisis at the start of the play due to her unpaid debts. Foreboding - The narrator gives us a sense of foreboding at the start of the play because the death of the two brothers is shown prior to the actual beginning of the story.
G "Growing up" - Mickey is exposed to the harsher part of Liverpool due to his social class and is forced to grow up more quickly. Gun - Sammy uses a gun to commit a murder as part of the crime they both had a part in. Later, Mickey uses the same gun to shoot Edward at the end of the play.
H Host - Mickey becomes a host of volatile anger when he loses his job. Some of this can be seen when he argues with Edward about money but the scene where it is most recognisable would be when he is about to shoot Edward.
I Ignorance - Edward shows ignorance to how it feels to lose a job and take money from others when he returns from university by offering Mickey a handful of money.
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