English Conflict Poems


Karteikarten am English Conflict Poems, erstellt von siansmith97 am 23/02/2014.
Karteikarten von siansmith97, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von siansmith97 vor etwa 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Bayonet Charge un metred verse realism brutality of war individual experience broken momentum war destroys patriotism personified war war destroys nature hare metaphor for soldier
Charge Of The Light Brigade dimetres- 2 stressed symbols horse hoof rhythm metred verse idealistic nobility of war/glorious patriotism collective experience fast momentum brutality of war Crimean War violent/heroic language admiration of soldiers memorialize middle of war capitalise death emphasis on deaths vivid descriptions
Flag anti-patriotism regular tercets (flag shape) flag brings war and death rhyming couplet loss of conscience
Out of the Blue underwater imagery present continuous verbs four line verese (regular) caesura
The Right Word self fulfilling prophecy irregular structure metaphor of door dependent viewpoints society acceptance
At the Border 1979 idealistic rose-tinted views child/adult perspective juxtaposition nature remains humans change chain metaphor patriotism divisions create unrelisticness artificial border- prejudice
Poppies loose structure free verse- grief metaphor of birds ambiguous- loss is felt whatever enjambment- absorbed in thought metaphor of poppies metaphor of treasure chest affects on mother separated contrast of childhood and war ambiguous
Futility broken sonnet half-rhymes break rhythm personified sun- nature powerful but helpless in war existential crisis war is pointless waste of human life individual- wider effects on world anger at war stanza begins with commands physical to philosophical biblical language life is unsustainable
Come On, Come Back timeless perpetual nature- tides war cripples- ominous took her mind- personal desires calm nature Austerlitz- littered with war futuristic war war is embedded in humans can't retireve future from past soldiers divided with similarities grives her mind patriotism creates divisions innocence challenges divisions
Hawk Roosting pro-war politicians cause conflict anthropomorphism omnipotent pinnacle of creation metaphor of hawk- leader lost in power 4 line stanzas powerful- won't allow inevitable change apparent facts- full stops enjambment- enjoys power
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