The Nazi Consolidation of Power 1933-34


History (Nazis) Karteikarten am The Nazi Consolidation of Power 1933-34, erstellt von daniellabassett2 am 26/04/2013.
Karteikarten von daniellabassett2, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von daniellabassett2 vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What were the 7 negative stereotypes? 1) Jews/Communists 2) Homosexuals 3) Vagrant, Prostitutes, Workshy 4) Gypsies 5) Feminists 6) Pacifists, Intellectuals 7) Physically/Mentally Unfit
What was the position of the Nazi Party in 1928? Small Fringe 2.6%
When was the Beer Hall Putsch? 1923
What happened to the status of the Nazi Party in 1932? Became the largest party in the Reichstag
When did Hitler Become Chancellor? 30th January 1933
How many Nazi members marched through the streets in the Neuremburg Rallies? 100,000
What were the 7 key Nazi Ideals? 1) Struggle, Violence, War 2) The Power of the Will 3) Social Darwinism, Master Race 4) People's Community 5) National Socialism 6) Dictatorship 7) Aggressive Nationalism
What was 'The Power of the Will'? Hitler = Force for Change in Germany
Why was 'National Socialism' one of the Nazi ideals? To attract working class support
What were the 3 main criteria on which stereotypes were based? 1) Ideological 2) Biological 3) Social
What were the 4 Positive Stereotypes? 1) Women 2) Workers 3) Farmers 4) Aryans
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ähnlicher Inhalt

The Aims and Methods of Nazi Propaganda
The Hitler Myth and Content of Propaganda
How the Nazis Consolidated their Power 1933-34
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