Lesson 11 Vocab


K202 Karteikarten am Lesson 11 Vocab, erstellt von Elly Jp Woodhous am 27/02/2014.
Elly Jp Woodhous
Karteikarten von Elly Jp Woodhous, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Elly Jp Woodhous
Erstellt von Elly Jp Woodhous vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
ancestral rites 차례
New Year's bow 세배
"Happy New Year" 새해 복 많이 받으세요
to want 원하다
New Year's cash gift 세뱃돈
dish (counter) 그릇
yut game 윷놀이
songpyen 송편
to set, fix (food) 차리다
ancestor 조상
harvest 추수
half moon 반달
long weekend 연휴
Korean Folk Village 민속촌
event 행사
afternoon 오후
traditional holidays 명절
the whole nation 전국
highway, freeway 고속도로
hometown 고향
to be crowded 붐비다
relatives 친척
to be inactive, to be quiet 한산하다
museum 박물관
amusement park 놀이공원
to be filled, to be crowded 꽉 차다
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