thoracic trauma


Bvms small animals (x-ray thorax) Karteikarten am thoracic trauma, erstellt von buzzybea1 am 27/02/2014.
Karteikarten von buzzybea1, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von buzzybea1 vor fast 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What should be the first thing which should be done when an animal comes in with a thoracic injury? stabilised: supplimention of O2 possible ressusitation Fluids Painkillers Antibiotics
what investigations should be carried out with a thorax trauma? hematology, biochemistry, thoracocentesis, urine output, radiography and ultrasonography
how should a single fractured rib be treated? antibiotics (?!<-according to marty, because they cause bronchial secretions which is ideal for infection.) and painkillers fixation is optional, if it is going to be fixated do it to the adjoining ribs
what are the signs of a fractured ribs? shallow breathing, focal crepitus may be felt, the animal will be in a lot of pain.
what is a flail chest? 3 or more ribs are broken in two places
why is flail chest serious? when the animal breaths in the unit of flail chest collapses pushing air out of it but aerating the rest of the lung then when the animal breaths out the flail chest relaxes out sucking the stagnant air back into it, so very quickly the animal runs out of O2.
how should flail chest be treated? Need to stabilize the animal then operate to stabilize the unit, possibly with lollipop sticks and a body bandage.
what does a pneumothroax look like on x-ray? animals heart being elevated and more caudal, there will be no lung markings, it will be dark peripherally.
what are the main two types of pneumothrox seen in animals? secondary (to dogs bites and other penetrating wounds) and mediastinal
what may be visible on the body of an animal with pneumothorax? contusions
How should a secondary pneumothroax be treated? this needs draining (possibly one leaving in and the animal will then need monitoring), antibiotics and painkillers.
why is tension pneumothorax so dangerous? there is in effect a blockage leading to a shrivelled lung
what can be seen in a pneumo mediastinum? the lungs heart etc pushed forward
how should pneumomediastinum be treated? there is no treatment just nurse
what can causes a pneumomediastinum? stick injury
how will a pneumomediastinum present and what should NOT be done? The animal will present as puffy and can hear crepitus, do not try to bandage as the air will move to another part of the animal.
how does diaphragmatic rupture present? dyspnoea, muffled heart sounds, tachypnoea and borborygmi.
what can be done to confirm a pneumomediastinum? contrast studies and An U/s may be used to confirm the stomach isn’t in the abdomen.
how should a diaphragmatic rupture be treated? rest the animal for 24-48 hours, do a fast induction starting IPPV immediately, give the animal muscle relaxants,
what are the three presentations of a diaphragmatic rupture? radial, circumferential or a combination
what is the most common cause of mortality post diaphragmatic rupture repair? Inflammation of the lungs too quickly, it is a delayed problem usually 4-7 hours post op
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