unit 1-ancient china


Karteikarten am unit 1-ancient china, erstellt von salma siddique am 21/07/2016.
salma siddique
Karteikarten von salma siddique, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
salma siddique
Erstellt von salma siddique vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
what are the natural barriers of china in the north? the Gobi Desert and the plains of Mongolia.
what are the natural barriers of china in the south? the ragged mountain ranges and the dense jungles of Vietnam.
what are the natural barriers of china in the east? the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean.
what are the natural barriers of china in the west? the Tibetan Platuteau
Xia dynasty 2205-1766 bc leader is yu the last of the sage kings
Shang dynasty 1766-1122 bc silk is first produced
warring states period Mencius is born
Qin dynasty shing huangdi dies
Han dynasty paper is invented Han dynasty ends
where were the earliest settlements? Along the valleys of Yangzi and yellow rivers.
when did the Chinese start farming? As early as 4500 bc.
what is a Dynasty? A Dynasty was a system of government where the king passed on his or her title to another member of the same family.
who were the early states ruled by? Warlords.
what is the first of China's unique assets? China's fertile land of rivers.
what is the second of china's unique assets? its vast dense forests.
what is the third of china's unique assets? its grassland and hills.
what is the fourth of china's unique assets? its wide population.
north west of Beijing. Gobi Desert.
north to Beijing. Plateau of Mongolia.
south to the tibetan plateau. Himalaya
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