keywords for Physics


Additional Science Karteikarten am keywords for Physics, erstellt von Jennifer'Campbell am 29/04/2013.
Karteikarten von Jennifer'Campbell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von Jennifer'Campbell vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
[Drag Force] a force opposing the motion of n object due to fluid (e.g. air) flowing past the onject as it moves [Earthed] connected to the ground y means of conducting lead or wire
[Acceleration] Change in velocity per second. [Braking Distance] the distance the distance travelled by a vehicle during the time its brakes act.
[Elastic potential energy] energy stored in an elastic object when work is done to change its shape [Electric current] flow oof electric charge, the size of an electric current in (amperes, A) is the rate of flowof charge
[Cable] Two or three insluated ires surrounded by an outer layer of rubber or flexible pastic. [Charging by Friction] the process of charging certain insulating materials by rubbing with a dry cloth, causing electrons to transfer between the material and the cloth.
[Circuit Breaker] a electromagnetic switch that opens and cuts the current off if too much current passes through iy [conservation of momentum] in a cosed syste, the total momentum before an event is equal to the total momentum after the event. Momentum is conserved in any collision or explosion provided no external forces act on the object that collide or explode
[Control Rod] metal rod used to absorb excess fission neutrons in a nuclear reactor so that only one fission neutron per fission on average goes on to produce further fission [Coolant] fluid in a sealed circuit pumped through the cor of a nuclear reactor to remove energy to a heat exchanger
[Force] a force can change the motion of an object in (newtons, N) [Fuse] a fuse contains a thin wire that melts and cuts the current off if too much passes through it
[Gravitational field strength] the force of gravity on an object of mass in 1kg [Gravitational potential energy] energy of an object due to iits position in a gravitational field, near the earths surface. change of GPE in joules = weight X distance moved
[kinetic energy] energy of a moving object due to its motion; kinetic energy=massXspeed(squared) [Live Wire] the wire of a mains circuit that has a potential that alternates from positive to negative and back each cycle
[Deceleration] change of velocity per second when an object slows down. [Direct Current] Electric current in a circuit that is in one directon only.
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