P2.7 Flashcards


GCSE Physics (Unit 2) Karteikarten am P2.7 Flashcards, erstellt von Mel Hughes am 31/08/2016.
Mel Hughes
Karteikarten von Mel Hughes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mel Hughes
Erstellt von Mel Hughes vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is enriched uranium? Uranium that contains 2-3% uranium-235
What happens for fission to occur? A nucleus absorbs a neutron
By what process is energy released in stars? Fusion
How are nuclei contained in a fusion reactor? In a magnetic field
What is the major source of background radiation? Radon gas
Why must radioactive waste be stored securely? So that it does not enter the environment because it remains radioactive
What happened to the temperature of the universe as it expanded? It decreased
What is a galaxy? A collection of billions of stars held together by their own gravity
Why are stars in the main sequence stable? The forces acting on them are balanced
What is a neutron star? The core left after a supernova explodes
What is the heaviest element formed by fusion in a main sequence star? Iron
How are the chemical elements distributed through space? By a supernova explosion
What is a fissionable isotope? An isotope that can undergo the process of fission
Which two fissionable isotopes are used in nuclear reactors? Uranium -235 and plutonium -239
When does a chain reaction occur? When each fission event causes further fission events
What is nuclear fusion? The process of forcing two nuclei close enough together so they form a single larger nucleus
How can nuclei be made to come close enough to fuse? Nuclear fusion can be brought about by making two light nuclei collide at very high speed
How long did it take for the temperature of the universe to fall enough so that uncharged atoms were formed? Millions of years
Why is a black hole black? Not even light can escape from it
When is a black hole formed? After a supernova, if the star has sufficient mass
What will the final stage in the life cycle of the Sun be? A black dwarf
What evidence is there that the Sun and inner planets formed from the remnants of a supernova? The presence of the heavier elements in the Sun and inner planets
What is the name of the process that produces the chemical elements? Fusion
When are elements heavier than irons formed? In a supernova
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