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GED Word of the Day Flashcards


Karteikarten am GED Word of the Day Flashcards, erstellt von menaka.sachdev am 13/03/2014.
Karteikarten von menaka.sachdev, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von menaka.sachdev vor fast 11 Jahre
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Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
abstract verb: to drag away; to pull adj: not representing or imitating external reality, existing only in the mind
admonish verb: to warn strongly; put on guard
diagram noun: presentation of a chart, graph, or drawing
domestic adj: of or relating to the home or home nation
frugal adj: avoiding unnecessary expenditure; avoiding waste
mandate noun: a document giving an official instruction or command
omnipotent adj: almighty; having unlimited power
accurate adj: free from error, exact
ambivalent adj: wavering or uncertain because of an inability to make a choice
malignant adj: threatening to cause death
sebaceous adj: greasy
virulent adj: extremely poisonous
eulogize verb: praise
derogatory adj: expressing low esteem
slander noun: false spoken statement
levity noun: lack of proper seriousness
travesty noun: imitation that makes a serious thing seem ridiculous
acme noun: highest point
precipice noun: very steep or overhanging place
lesion noun: injury
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