The Crucible Vocabulary Act I & II


Karteikarten am The Crucible Vocabulary Act I & II, erstellt von haylie halverson am 12/09/2016.
haylie halverson
Karteikarten von haylie halverson, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
haylie halverson
Erstellt von haylie halverson vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Abomination thing that causes disgust/hatred synonym: atrocity
Conjured make something appear unexpectedly, or from nowhere as if by magic.
Contention heated disagreement
Deference humble submission and respect antonym: disrespect
Innate inborn; natural
Licentious promiscuous and unprincipled in sexual matters. synonym: dissolute
Manifestation event, action, or object that shows/embodies something (theory/abstract idea)
Paradox absurd/self-contradictory statement
Prodigious remarkably great in extent, size, or degree
Vindictive having/showing strong or unreasoning desire for revenge. antonym: forgiving
Ameliorate make something bad/unsatisfactory better. synonym: improve
Avid showing/having keen interest in enthusiasm for something
Blasphemy act/offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things
Crone old woman who is thin & ugly
Flailing wave/swing wildly. antonym: steadily
Indignant feeling/showing anger or annoyance at unfair treatment
Pallor unhealthy pale appearance
Poppet small figure of a human being used in witchcraft
Vengeance punishment inflicted for a wrong doing. synonym: revenge
Wily skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully
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