Supply Chain Essentials


Karteikarten am Supply Chain Essentials, erstellt von volker.roessler am 18/03/2014.
Karteikarten von volker.roessler, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von volker.roessler vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are the 4 things you need to create a Supply Chain? Facilities Routes Vehicles Inventory
What criteria do customers buy based on? Quantity Timing Variety Service Level Price Innovation
What is BTS? Build-to-stock
What is BTO? Build-to-order
What is the deffinition of Product Focus? A factory that takes a product focus performs the range of different operations required to make a given product line from fabrication of different product parts to assembly of these parts.
What is the deffinition of Functional Focus? A functional approach concentrates on performing just a few operations such as only making a select group of parts or doing assembly. These functions can be applied to making many different kinds of products.
What are the 5 Supply Chain Drivers? Production Inventory Location Transportation Information
What is SKU? Stock Keeping Unit
What is the deffinition of SKU? All of a given type is stored together.
What is the deffinition of Crossdocking? Product is not actually warehoused in the facility. Instead the facility is used to house a process where trucks from suppliers arrive and unload large quantities of different products. These large lots are then broken down into smaller lots. Smaller lots of different products are recombined according to the needs of the day and quickly loaded onto outbound trucks that deliver the products to their final destination.
What is the deffinition of a Job Lot Storage? All different products related to the needs of a certain type of customer or related to the needs of a particular job are stored together.
Whiteboard and explain Cycle Inventory.
What is Safety Inventory? Inventory that is held as a buffer against uncertainty.
What is Seasonal Inventory? This is inventory that is built up in anticipation of predictable increases in demand that occur at certain times of the year.
What factors do you need to consider for the right location? Cost of facilities Cost of labor Skills available in the workforce Infrastructure conditions Taxes and Tariffs Proximity to suppliers and customers
What are the differnt kinds of Transportation modes available? Ship Rail Pipelines Trucks Airplanes Electronic Transport
For which two areas is Information used for? 1. Coordinating daily activities 2. Forecasting and planning
Which two factors needs to be balanced based on customer needs in every Supply Chain? Responsiveness Efficiency
Flip the Extended Supply Chain Model.
Give 4 Examples of a Producer/Manufacturer. Mining for minerals Drill for gas and oil Cut timber Farm land Raise animals Catch Seafood Create music or software Provide services (mowing a lawn) Perform surgery Teaching skills Design products
What is the definition of a Distributer? An entity that buys noncompeting products or product lines, warehouses them, and resells them to retailers or direct to the end users or customers.
What is the definition of a Wholesaler? Person or firm that buys large quantity of competing goods from various producers or vendors, warehouses them, and resells to retailers.
What is the definition of a Retailer? Stock inventory and sell in smaller quantities to the general public Closely track the preferences and demands of the customers that it sells to Advertise to its customers, using price, product selection, service and convenience to attract customers
What is the definition of a Customer/Consumer A customer may purchase a product in order to incorporate it into another product that they then in turn sell to other customers and/or consumers OR A customer may be the final end user of a product who buys the product in order to consume it
What is the definition of a Service Provider? Provide service to producers, distributers, retailers and consumers Develop special expertise and skills that focus on a particular activity needed by a supply chain Are able to perform these services more effectively and at a better price
What are the 4 categories of the Supply Chain Operations? Plan Source Make Deliver
What are the Supply Chain Operations under "Plan"? Demand Forecasting Product Pricing Inventory Management
What are the Supply Chain Operations under "Source"? Procurement Credit & Collection
What are the Supply Chain Operations under "Make"? Product Design Production Scheduling Facility Management
What are the Supply Chain Operations under "Deliver"? Order Management Delivery Scheduling Return Processing
Name and explain at least two Forecasting Methods. Qualitative Causal Time Series Simulation
Name the 4 areas of Demand Forecasting. Product Characteristics Demand Supply Competitive Environment
What is Aggregate Planning? It sets the optimum levels of production and inventory that will followed over the next 3 to 18 months
What are the 3 basic approaches to Aggregate Planning? Use production capacity to match demand Utilize varying levels of total capacity to match demand Use inventory and backlogs to match demand
Name and explain the two diferent Product Pricing approches. Marketing and Sales Approach Financial or Production Approach
What is Forward Buying? Customers buy product now instead of later based on Product Pricing
Flip and explain the calculation of the Economic Order Quantity.
Name the 5 Procurement Responsibilities. Purchasing Consumption Management Vendor Selection Contract Negotiations Contract Management
What are the 3 Credit and Collections responsibilities? Set Credit Policy Implement Credit and Collections Practices Manage Credit Risk
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