Africa Project


Inglés 1 ESO Karteikarten am Africa Project, erstellt von Pere Serra Mayans am 28/09/2016.
Pere Serra Mayans
Karteikarten von Pere Serra Mayans, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Pere Serra Mayans
Erstellt von Pere Serra Mayans vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Africa project Climate: Africa, in the most zone, is a tropical climate temperature, but from region to region there is a lot of change
The maasais are of the region of Kenia and Tanzania In the region of the maasais, the climate is, every day, 25 grades
Tribes Massai food and animals The Massais drink blood mixed with milk, fried banana and the mead of the cows, the sheeps and the goats
The maasais have tamed dogs to go hunt and tamed cows to eat The tamed animals of the massais are the cows, dogs and goats.
A maasai curiositi is that we jump more high they have more respect THANKS TO LISTEN AND GOOD BYE
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