Unit 1.1 the night sky


Karteikarten am Unit 1.1 the night sky, erstellt von shuaib Mohamed am 05/10/2016.
shuaib Mohamed
Karteikarten von shuaib Mohamed, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
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Erstellt von shuaib Mohamed vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What are Artificial Satellites They are satellites placed into orbit by humans.
What is an Asteroid an irregular rocky object in orbit around the sun between the orbits of mars and jupitar
What is the asteroid belt a group of rocks that orbit the sun in a band between mars and jupiter
What is a comet a ball of ice,dust and rock that orbits the sun in a highly elliptical way.
What are gas giants They are the large planets of the outer solar system
what is a meteor a meteoroid that enters earths atmosphere
What is a meteorite a meteor that is big enough for part of it to hit the ground
What are phases Different shapes of the moon seen from the earth
What is the milky way the galaxy in which the solar systems are located in
What is the solar system The sun and all the planets,satellites,asteroids,comets and other bodies revolving around it
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