PTLS Quick Keys


Pro Tools quick key commands
Toby Zheng
Karteikarten von Toby Zheng, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Toby Zheng
Erstellt von Toby Zheng vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
New Session Command+N
Import Audio Shift+Command+I
New Track Shift+Command+N
View entire session vertically Control+Option+Command+down arrow
Redo Shift+Command+Z
Separate clip Command+E
Zoomer F5 or Command1
Trimmer F6 or Command2
Selector F7 or Command 3
Grabber F8 or Command 4
Move cursor to next clip boundary Tab
Move cursor to previous clip boundary Option + tab
Zoom in Command+]
Zoom out Command+[
Select all clips on a track Triple click a clip with selector tool
'Do to all' Hold option (before clicking things)
'Do to selected' Add shift to option (before clicking/selecting)
Shuffle F1
Slip F2
Spot F3
Grid F4
Duplicate clip or MIDI note selected Command+D
Duplicate track Shift+option+D
Zoom in vertical on the waveform Option+Cmnd+}
Solos the track where the cursor has been clicked Shift + S
Record-enables the track where the cursor has been clicked Shift + R
Mutes the track where the cursor has been clicked Shift + M
Create a new playlist for each selected track in the session Control+Option+Shift+\
Duplicate the main playlist for the first selected track in the session Command+Control+\
Duplicate the main playlist for each track in the session Command+Option+Control+\
Duplicate the main playlist for each selected track in the session Command+Option+ Control+Shift+\
Copy the selection to the main playlist Option+Control+V
Create a new playlist for the first selected track in the session Control+\
Create a new playlist for each track in the session Control+Option+\
Input or output assignment in sequential order to ALL available tracks option+command and assign
Input or output assignment in sequential order to SELECTED Shift+option+command and assign
In the I/O Setups, scroll through the tabs Command + Left/Right arrows
Import I/O from template to all pages select template, hold option and then template
Create new Audio Track (in the Mix Window, to the right of the last created track) Command + double click
Create new Master Fader (in the Mix Window, to the right of the last created track) Shift + double click
Create new Aux Track (in the Mix Window, to the right of the last created track) Control + double click
Create the same track that was last created (in the Mix Window, to the right of the last created track) Double click
Create Fade Command + F
Engage Smart Tool Command + 7
Nudge a clip + or - (on numeric keyboard)
Close Session Command + Shift + W
Create Group Command + G
Modify Group Command + Control + G
Isolate Active Group Hold Control and Adjust Parameter
Open Workspace Option + ;
Open Project Browser Option + O
Bounce to Disk Command + Option + B
Open multiple plug-in windows Shift + click plug-in
Bypass Plug-In Cmnd + click the insert point
Copy Plug-in to other Insert Point Option + Click + Drag
Auto Input Monitor Option + K
Quick Punch Shift + Cmnd + P
Pre / Post Roll Cmnd + K
Change Nudge Values Cmnd + Option +/-
Change Grid Values Control + Option +/-
Open Event Operations Window Option + 3
Scrolling through track views (midi clips to notes) Control + Cmnd + left/right arrow
Event Operations Tempo Option + 2
Open MIDI Transpose Option + T
Change track view Control + Cmnd + left/right arrow
View Clip Real Time Properties Option + 4
Select Unused Clips Shift + Cmnd + U
Clear Selected from Clip List Shift + Cmnd + B
Consolidate Clip Shift + Option + 3
Enter a Value into your Counter * or = , type value then Enter
Link/Unlink Timeline and Edit Selection Shift + /
Dynamic Transport Shift + Cmnd + P
Timeline Insertion Follows Playback Control + N
Zoom Toggle Control + E
Edit/Tool Mode Keyboard Lock Shift + Control + T
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