Humanities Chronological Periods


Introduction to Humanities (Module 1: Foundations of Humanities) Karteikarten am Humanities Chronological Periods , erstellt von Justin Bullock am 12/10/2016.
Justin Bullock
Karteikarten von Justin Bullock, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Justin Bullock
Erstellt von Justin Bullock vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
The Classical Period 8th Century BCE to 3rd Century CE
The Middle Ages 5th Century to 15th Century
The Renaissance Period 14th Century to 17th Century
The Baroque Period 17th Century to 18th Century
The Neoclassical and Enlightenment Periods 17th Century to 19th Century
The Romantic Period 18th Century to 19th Century
The Realist Period 19th Century to 20th Century
The Modern Period 19th Century to 20th Century
The Postmodern Period 20th Century to 21st Century
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