Antibody Structure and Function


(LYM) Karteikarten am Antibody Structure and Function, erstellt von becki_fernandes am 02/05/2013.
Karteikarten von becki_fernandes, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von becki_fernandes vor mehr als 11 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
where are AB's effective? tissue fluid
describe the structure of an antibody composed of glycoproteins, 2 heavy and 2 light chains linked by disulphide bonds
describe the constant and variable regions of the molecule heavy chain is made up of constant region and variable portion at end, which together with end portion of light chain, makes up the antigen binding site
what are the 3 main functions of antibodies? neutralisation, opsonisation and complement activation
name the 5 isotypes IgD,IgM,IgG,IgA,IgE
which part of the antibody is different within classes and between classes? within: variable region (VDJ recombination) between: heavy chain constant
how does a B cell class switch? alters which heavy chain gene is used
where is IgD found and what is its function? on surface of naive B lymphocytes and acts an as antigen receptor
what is the role of IgM? activates complement, good first line of defence
why is IgG such a good antibody? can neutralise, activate complement and important for opsonisation
which is the only antibody to cross the placenta? IgG
where is IgA found? in secretions such as saliva, tears, bronchial secretions, nasal mucosa
which of the 3 functions is carried out by IgA? neutralisation
which cells have a receptor for IgE? mast cells and eosinophils
what does IgE trigger in response to parasites or allergic disease? degranulation of mast cells
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