how media affects pro social behaviour


Psychology (Media) Karteikarten am how media affects pro social behaviour, erstellt von lele_star am 02/05/2013.
Karteikarten von lele_star, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von lele_star vor mehr als 11 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Who are the two therists that investigated exposure to prosocial media Kunkel 2/3 tv programmes contained antisocial messages Greenberg - equal amounts of prosocial and antisocial programmes
Who investigated who prosocial behaviour is acquired Bandura- social learning theory. Prosocial behvaiour is more like social norms, therefore we are more likely to be rewarded for it
who looked into developmental factors when acquiring prosocial meassages? research has shown that many skills that are synonymous with prosocial behaviour are learnt in childhood. There are developmental differences depending on tv influence. Mares found that children struggle with abstract concepts
who defined parental mediation? austin- involves parents discussing the programme with the child, explaining any ambigous or distrubing material
Two studies into parental mediation? Rice- children understood the prosoical messages of sesame street better with mediation. Rosenkoetter- children could understand complex moral messages in sitcoms
Evidence of altruistic behaviour? Sprafkin (puppies and lassie) Mares (children who saw prosocial behaviour acted more altrustic)
Evdence of self control? mares- when tv model demostrated high control. children subsequently showed high levels of self control Friedrich and stein 4 year olds watched mister roger for 4 weeks showed more task persistance than batman
social interactions Friedrich and stein continued to see that the children who had watched mr rogers were also more friendly to others
Anti sterotyping Johnson and ettema showed 9-12 year old children a programme to reduce stereotyping, overall positive effects
effects of other media Mares and woodard - snowhite, mares stated that children reread novels, reinforcing the message
Study looking to what prosoical content children are exposed to? Woodard, found that 77% of us programmes contained at least one prosocial lesson, however only 4 of the most common 20 programmes did
evaluation of prosocial behaviours and norms Mares and woodard, found that children are most affected when they see the specfic steps of prosocial behaviour they need to follow
what did Sprafkin and Rubestein find? found that adolescents in a hospital for psychiatric problems and found that post viewing discussion led to decreased altruism (possibly as teens think the opposite of adutls)
Evaluation of developmetnal factors Mares found in a meta analysis that despite expectations the greatest effect was on primary school children - the idea that media may affect prosocial developmet may be unrealisic children are more influcenced by home experiences rather than media
What did valkenburg find? That only some forms of mediation work, social coviewing e.g. watching tv together without talking about it doesnt count.
WHat did mares find about the ability to generalise prosocial behaviour It is less likely to be generalised compated to antisocial ones, therefore there are less cases when prosocial messages can imitated completely, limiting the overall effectiveness. Antisocial behaviour is often generalised to aggression
WHo investigated mixed messages Lovelace and huston suggested that setting prosocial acts against antisocial acts may be effective Mares and Woodard did a meta analysis and found that the mixed messaged children were more aggressive than those who had witnessed antisocial behaviour
Other studies that could be used... The st helena study showed media had a positive effect
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