Natural Law


A Levels Ethics (Natural Law) Karteikarten am Natural Law, erstellt von j.donaldson97 am 28/03/2014.
Karteikarten von j.donaldson97, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von j.donaldson97 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
How was Natural Law created? By bringing together biblical teachings with ancient greek philosophy
What type of theory is Natural Law? - Deontological - Objective - Absolute
How can God's purpose be determined? - Watching the natural world - Reading divine scriptures - Watching natural human behaviour
What does our reason naturally seek? Knowledge and truth. When it is applied to actions our reason seeks harmony with others. Our desires and our reason was createdby God to seek what is good.
Hiearchy Eternal Law: Principles by which God governs the universe. Divine Law: Refers to the bible which guides us in our goal to perfection. Natutal Law: Human beings naturally desire what is good and to avoid evil. Human Law: Laws humans make for themselves.
Apparent Good This occurs when you follow your reasoning but it is faulty and you arrive at an incorrect moral decision.
Primary Precepts - Preserve innocent life - Maintain orderly living in society -Worship God -Reproduce to continue species - Educate children Seen as FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES that must be followed in order to achieve the required ends.
Secondary Precepts Created from the Primary Precepts in order to make Natural Law more flexible, so it can apply to different times and cultures.
Sin For someone to sin meant they were to fall short of what God intended humans to be.
Cardinal Virtues -Prudence - wisdom -Fortitude - Courage -Temperance - Moderation -Justice
Supernatural/Revealed Virtues Virtues from the Bible - Faith - Chairty -Hope
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