Wilhelmian Germany


History (Germany pre-WW1) Karteikarten am Wilhelmian Germany, erstellt von yuvalgalshohet am 29/03/2014.
Karteikarten von yuvalgalshohet, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von yuvalgalshohet vor mehr als 10 Jahre

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Frage Antworten
Who was Wilhelm II? Wilhelm II was the grandson of Queen Victoria. Ruled between 1888-1918. He was the last Germany emperor.
What was Wilhelm like? He loved aristocrats. His father saw him as immature and unfit. He believed in the divine rights of kings. Historians view him as a melodramatic, undisciplined snob. His nickname is 'The travelling emperor'. He is also famous for having an incompetent left hand.
Reasons for the end of the Bismarckian system -Bismarck did not get along with either Wilhelm II or his father, Fredrick III - Bismarck was against socialism - Bismarck had a different view on the role of the Reich to Wilhelm
How did the economy change during Wilhelm's reign? -The economy grew vastly within 20 years of Wilhelm's reign. -with a 21% pop. growth -coal production challenged that of Britain -steel production doubled -75% increase in trade -exports and imports had more than doubled (1890-1913)
How did this wealth affect the people? - Living standards improved radically -In thirty years the income per capital rose by 200% -Everyone was benefiting from both small and big businesses
Wilhelmien politics -expansion of industrial workforce and thus the middle class -on the other hand the lower-middle class also grew -less people did manual work -unemployment fell to less than 3%
Who succeeded Otto Von Bismarck? Leo Von Caprivi (1890-1894). Caprivi promoted industrial and commercial development. However, his movement toward free trade angered the conservative agrarian interests, especially the Junkers (nobles). Caprivi abandoned Bismarck's military, economic, and ideological cooperation with Russia, and was unable to forge a close relationship with Britain.
How did Germany reorganise after Bismarck? - Anti-socialist laws lapsed -ban on sunday work -limit on working hours for women and children -minorities in Alsace were given more freedom -abolishment of Prussia's independent foreign ministry -Caprivi was more anti-russian -Caprivi saw no use in colonies that Bismarck worked hard to get
What did the political framework look like? Chancellor: -3 chancellors between Caprivi and WW1 -not part of the political party -no influence by the Reichstag Reichstag: - power over bills but not over the Kaiser or Chancellor -ineffective and powerless essentially -uneven number of constituencies
How was the army changed? -politically immune; not controlled by another power (separation of powers) -pre-war army was glorified and the army became a symbol of pride
What is the difference between a unitary and federal system? Unitary: -has a central power that chooses whether to allocate power -controls the whole country -England is an example Federal: -made by distributed power which is given and controlled by a constitution -centralised government however the power it has is given and defined by the constitution -USA
How was social democracy a threat in 1912? Pre-1912 the conservatives were ruling. The power and wealth went to the rich nobles and cheap labour was available. The social democratic threat showed that the social status of the poor would rise along with their power. Finally the fears of the Conservatives were real and justified.
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