The Cuban Missile Crisis: the discovery


Adam Collinge
Karteikarten von Adam Collinge, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Adam Collinge
Erstellt von Adam Collinge vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What was the USA split on, upon discovering the USSR's missile sites on Cuba? Attack while it could or do everything possible to avoid war
What did the USSR see Cuba as? A fix to keep a key strategic problem: the USA had missiles close to the USSR but the USSR had no missiles close to the USA
Name a place close to the USSR the Americans had missiles. Britain
Why did Cubans want Soviet missiles in Cuba? They saw Soviet missiles as a great way to prevent the USA from invading Cuba again
When did Soviet ships start to carry nuclear weapons to Cuba? September 1962
When did the USA discover the USSR were shipping missiles to Cuba? October 1962, US spy planes photographed Cuban missile sites
What happened when the USA public found out there were nuclear weapons in Cuba? There was sheer panic throughout the country
What were the seven choices Kennedy could choose from the retaliate against the missile crisis? 1) Ignore it 2) Do a deal with the USSR 3) Invade Cuba 4) Nuclear attack 5) Destroy the missile sites 6) Blockade Cuba 7) Warn Castro that his actions put Cuba in grave danger
Why may have a second invasion of Cuba been inviting for the President? The USA could get rid of the Castro government at the same time
As Kennedy's advisers, what did the 'hawks' want? America to attack straight away
As Kennedy's advisers, what did the 'doves' want? To avoid nuclear war if at all possible
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