Reactivity Series and Displacement Reactions


Karteikarten am Reactivity Series and Displacement Reactions, erstellt von jennifersnowbell am 01/04/2014.
Karteikarten von jennifersnowbell, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jennifersnowbell vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
List the Reactivity Series in order. Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Iron, Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold
More reactive metals are harder to extract from their ores. What do they need? Electrolysis- when chemical energy breaks down the ores
Why does aluminium seem so unreactive when it's high up in the reactivity series When aluminium reacts with oxygen, it makes a protective oxide layer which stops further reactions.
What will happen to most metals when they react with air? They tarnish; makes a dull layer of metal oxide on surface.
What happens when magnesium, lead and silver is burnt in air? Magnesium- burns violently Lead- reacts slowly Silver- no reaction
Metal+Oxygen= Metal Oxide
More reactive metals react vigourously with ........ water to produce ........ cold, hydroxides
Less reactive metals react quickly with ...... to produce....... steam, oxides
Metal + Water = Less Reactive Metal+ Steams= Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen Metal Oxide + Hydrogen
The lower the ........, the ..... visible the reaction of metals with acid. reactivity, less
Metal + Acid= Salt + Hydrogen
What is the test for hydrogen? When a lit splint is near hydrogen, there will be a squeaky pop.
What does Displacment mean? Taking place of
What is the rule for displacement reactions? A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal.
Magnesium + Copper Sulphate= Copper + Zinc Sulphate= Magnesium Sulphate + Copper No change
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