Unit 1.1 and 1.2 and 1.4 Flashcards


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Bilal Khan
Karteikarten von Bilal Khan, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Bilal Khan
Erstellt von Bilal Khan vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is a resource? A resource is anything obtained from the earth to satisfy a particular need of humans or other living things.
What is a natural resource? A natural resource is anything that people can use which comes from nature.
Examples of natural resources Air, water, wood, oil, wind energy, iron, and coal.
What is a made resource? Made resources are resources that are created by humans to transform and use the gifts of nature. Sometimes resources become useful to man only.
Examples of made resources plastic, paper, soda, sheet metal, rubber and brass.
What are renewable resources? Renewable resources are those which can be replenished over time by some natural process.
Renewable resources examples oxygen, fresh water, solar energy, timber, and biomass
What are non-renewable resources? Non-renewable resources are resources for which there is a limited supply. The supply comes from the Earth itself and, as it typically takes millions of years to develop.
Examples of non-renewable resources fossil fuels, oil, natural gas, and coal and nuclear energy.
What is fracking? Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is directed at the rock to release the gas inside.
What is coal steam gas? The natural gas released from coal when fracking is done.
What is the atmosphere? The layers of gasses above earths surface
Layers of the atmosphere
Gasses in the atmosphere Nitrogen – 78% Oxygen – 21% Carbon dioxide – 0.03% others (argon, water vapor etc) - 0.97%
What is photosynthesis? When plants use energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water to create there own food and oxygen.
What are minerals? Minerals are naturally occurring substances formed by geological processes. They are usually solid and feature a crystal structure as well as specific physical properties and chemical composition.
What are sediments? Sediment is solid material that is moved and deposited in a new location. Sediment can consist of rocks and minerals, as well as the remains of plants and animals.
What are sedimentary rocks? Sedimentary rocks are formed by sediment that is deposited over time, usually as layers at the bottom of lakes and oceans.
What is igneous rock? Igneous rock is formed when magma (hot liquid rock) cools and solidifies.
What is erosion? Erosion is a natural process in which rocks or soil are moved from one location to another by wind or water.
What is deposition? The process by which sediment settles out of the water or wind that is carrying it, and is deposited in a new location.
What does weathered mean? Worn by long exposure to the air.
What is humus? Humus is dark, organic material that forms in soil when plant and animal matter decays.
Ways to conserve resources Limit Consumption Increase the price Use alternative resources Public awareness campaign Recycling
What are non-renewable energy resources? Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes.
Examples of non-renewable energy resources Fossil Fuels (coal, oil etc) nuclear energy, natural gasses etc
What are fossil fuels? A natural fuel such as coal or gas.
What is greenhouse gas? Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which makes the Earth warmer.
What are renewable energy resources? Renewable energy is energy which can be obtained from natural resources that can be constantly replenished.
Examples of renewable energy resources solar energy, wind energy, hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass energy.
What are nuclear fuels? Nuclear fuel is a substance that is used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission. Most nuclear fuels contain heavy fissile elements that are capable of nuclear fission, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239.
What is hydroelectricity? Hydroelectricity is electricity that is made by the movement of water.
What is biomass? Biomass fuels come from things that once lived: wood products, dried vegetation, crop residues, aquatic plants and even garbage.
What is biogas? Biogas typically refers to a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.
What is biofuel? Biofuels are liquid fuels that have been derived from other materials such as waste plant and animal matter.
What are solar cells? A solar cell is an electrical device that converts the energy of light directly into electricity.
What is wind energy? Electrical energy obtained from harnessing the wind with windmills or wind turbines.
What is an oscillating wave column? Are devices that generate energy from the rise and fall of water caused by waves and tides in the ocean.
What is a tidal barrage? A tidal barrage is a dam-like structure used to capture the energy from masses of water moving in and out of a bay or river due to tidal forces.
What is geothermal energy? Geothermal energy is the energy stored as heat in the earth.
What is carbon capture and storage? the process of trapping carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels or other chemical or biological process and storing it in such a way that it is unable to affect the atmosphere.
What is an axis? The imaginary line that connects the north pole to the south pole.
In what direction does earth spin on its axis? The earth spins on its axis west to east.
What is the equator? The Equator usually refers to an imaginary line on the Earth's surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole, dividing the Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere.
What is a day? The time it takes for the earth to spin once on its axis (24 hours).
What is revolution? One complete orbit around the sun.
What is a year? The time taken by the earth to make one revolution around the sun (365 days).
What is a season? The passing of a year can bring a marked change in the weather and the surrounding environment. This is caused by the tilt of the earths axis.
What are the 4 seasons
Months prior to the seasons.
What is a leap year? When a year is 365.25 and the quarter day makes setting up a calendar difficult so every 4 years the calendar needs to catch up so an extra day is added to make a leap years of 366 days.
On what degree is the earth tilted on its axis? \[23.5\,^{\circ}\]
How to work out leap year?
How fast does the earth travel around the sun? 108 000 km/h
Why are the north and south poles the coldest parts of the earth? Both the Arctic (North Pole) and the Antarctic (South Pole) are cold because they don’t get any direct sunlight. The Sun is always low on the horizon, even in the middle of summer. In winter, the Sun is so far below the horizon that it doesn’t come up at all for months at a time. So the days are just like the nights—cold and dark.
Why are the regions on the equator hotter? The equator is hotter than other areas of the earth, such as the poles, because it receives more direct sunlight than other areas. It is a common misconception that the equator is hotter due to it being closer to the sun than other areas of the earth.
What is an equinox? When the duration of the day is equal to that of night.
What is a sundial? A sundial is a clock that uses the position of the Sun to indicate the time.
How does a sundial work? A sundial works by casting a shadow that is determined by the sun's position the sky.
what is solstice? When night is longer than day and day is longer than night on specific days in 2 seasons. Winter - longer night Summer - longer day
Since now we know what an equinox and solstice is here is a diagram of when it happenes during earths revolution.
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