Religious attitudes to matters of life


GCSE Religious Studies B (Religion and Morality) Karteikarten am Religious attitudes to matters of life, erstellt von yusanr98 am 02/04/2014.
Karteikarten von yusanr98, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von yusanr98 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

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Morality A system of ethics about what is right or wrong.
Ethics The theory relating to morality.
Absolute morality What is morally right and wrong applies to all circumstances, at all times.
Relative morality What is morally right or wrong in any situation depends upon its particular circumstances.
Sanctity of life Life is a sacred because it is God-given.
Value of Life The value of a person over and above physical value.
Quality of life A measure of fulfilment.
Fertility treatment Medical procedure to assist an infertile couple to have a child.
In vitro fertilisation(IVF) A scientific method of making a woman pregnant, which does not involve sex. Conception occurs via sperm and egg being placed into test tube.
Test-tube baby Term used for a baby created outside of the women's body
Artificial insemination Sperm medically inserted into the vagina to assist pregnancy.
Surrogacy Woman's egg fertilised artificially by another woman's partner.
Artificial insemination by husband (AIH) When woman is made pregnant by sperm the sperm of her husband, but not through having sexual relations with him.
Artificial insemination by donor (AID) When a woman is made pregnant by the sperm of a man other than her partner, but not through sexual relations with him.
Sexual intercouse Sexual activity involving more than one person, for some reasons of procreation or pleasure.
Transplant surgery When someone else's organs are put into a patient.
Blood transfusion When a patient is given extra blood as part of an operation.
Human genetic engineering The modification of gene make-up to change the features of a human.
Embryology The study of human embryos.
Embryo Fertilised ovum at bout 12-14 days when implanted into the wall of the womb.
Designer babies Babies with gender and characteristics chosen by their parents, which is currently illegal.
Stem cell A cell, most often taken from 4-5 day-old embryo, whose role in the body is yet to be determined.
Saviour siblings A sibling, genetically compatible with a sick child is implanted and born to use stem cells to treat the sick child.
Cloning The scientific method by which animals or plant can be created which have exactly the same genetic make-up as the original, because the DNA of the original is used.
Human-animal hybrid embryo An embryo made from human DNA and animal eggs for purposes of experimentation.
Human experimentation Testing products, usually medicines, on paid human volunteers.
Conception The moment the sperm fertilises the egg.
Quickening The first detectable movements of the foetus.
Ensoulment The belief that at one moment the foetus receives a soul.
Viable The point at which a foetus could survive if it were to be born.
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