heat and temperature unit test


Karteikarten am heat and temperature unit test, erstellt von jassparmar98 am 02/04/2014.
Karteikarten von jassparmar98, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von jassparmar98 vor mehr als 10 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
examples of thermal energy for heating and cooking open fires, pioneer stoves, igloos, modern fireplaces, wood burning fire places, sod house soddies, solar heating
the temperature of freezing point, melting point, boiling point and condensation freezing is 0 degrees, melting is 0 degrees, boiling is 100 degrees and condensation is 100 degress
Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature- 273 degrees
sensor which is affected by changes in a feature of the environment, such as temperature
thermalcouple it creates electricity when its heated
Bimetallic Strip is made with two different mentals that are together
thermometers Thermometers are more reliable devices that measure temperature
the three states of matter solid liquid gas
most particles gas and least is solid
what is the phenomenon when liquid evaportaes? - evaporative cooling
another techiqune for seeing how hot or cold he temperature is observing the colour
if extreme high preasure can cause a ice to melt at the temperature of melt is below 0 degrees and boiling is below 100 degrees
the recordings of thermommeter when a bimetallic strip is attached to a long arm lever
solid liquid gas paricles particles are closley packed together is called solid, liquid particles slip past eachother and gas particles have alot of space between them.
temperature and the particles of matter when heat is added to a substances the particles will move faster
what is energy energy is a measure of a substance the ablilty to do work and cause changes
the four keys of particles of matter all matter is made up of extremely tiny particles, the tiny particles of matter are always moving, the particles have spaces between them, adding heat to matter makes the particles move around faster
expand increases there volume as the temperature increases
contract decreases the volume as the temperature decreases
soild liquid gas shape and size and volume solid keeps it shape and size the same cannot be conpressed liquid take the shape of the container almost incompressible gas no definite shape or size can be compressed
radiation transfer energy energy that can be transferred even though there are no particles to transfer the energy
dull dark objects absorbes radiant energy when they cool
light shiny objects or surfaces do not absorb radiant energy
conductors is the process of treansfering thermal energy by direct collision of the particles
covection the warmer particles transfer there energy to the cooler particles as they in curclur pattern
energy souce this is where the energy comes from that can be transferred throughout the energy system
direction of energy transfer energy is always transferred away from the concentrated
transformations energy that can change its own form when it transfers
waste heat almost all of the energy is transferred directly to particle to particle
control systems a control device can start and stop the transfer of energy
chemcial energy can be transformed into thermal energy when wood or coal is burned
mechical forces force that push or pull on a object
geothermal energy remaining of thermal energy inside the earth
fossil fuels -fossils are a trace of a living thing, these fossils contain chemicals which are used to make heat
-Melting(fusion) -Freezing(solidification) -evaporation -sublimation -condensation -Sub - solid to liquid - liquid to solid - liquid to gas -gas to liquid -solid to gas
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