

A level Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) Karteikarten am Nomenclature, erstellt von Anushka John am 28/11/2016.
Anushka John
Karteikarten von Anushka John, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Anushka John
Erstellt von Anushka John vor mehr als 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Draw the functional group of a carboxylate salt and give its suffix The M+ is the cation. Named with cation first and then -anoate. eg sodium methanoate
Draw sodium methanoate
Draw the functional group for an acyl chloride and give the suffix -anoyl chloride eg ethanoyl chloride
Give the functional group for an acid anhydride and give the suffix -anoic anhydride (if both chains same, as above, then simply ethanoic anhydride) (if not then specify both eg ethanoic methanoic anhydride)
Draw the functional group of an AMIDE, and give suffix -anamide eg. propanamide, methanamide
Draw the ester functional group
How are esters named? alkyl prefix, to indicate the alcohol (one attached to single O) -anoate suffix to indicate the carboxylic acids (the one attached to the double bonded O)
In N substituted amides, what the the N-alkyl prefix indicate? The number of carbons attached to the N
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