
PASH Karteikarten am PASH, erstellt von Victoria Anne am 05/05/2013.
Victoria Anne
Karteikarten von Victoria Anne, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Victoria Anne
Erstellt von Victoria Anne vor fast 12 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Power With Relates to action taken with others - e.g. tackling a CAP - the process of coming together, e.g. identification a common problem bad (extreme cases leading to conflict and civil war)
Agency '...the degree to which agents are free to make their own decisions and follow their chosen path of action...' (Hanlin and Brown, 2013)
Power (3 Forms) Power Over Power To Power With
Power Over control over others - suppressing their Agency Those with the Power might have a lot of Agency
Power To Capability to act - if you have this, you can exercise your Agency to achieve something
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