Unit 1.1,1.2 and 1.3


Karteikarten am Unit 1.1,1.2 and 1.3 , erstellt von Burhan Igdeli am 03/12/2016.
Burhan Igdeli
Karteikarten von Burhan Igdeli, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Burhan Igdeli
Erstellt von Burhan Igdeli vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
What is a crime scene unit? Police specialists who collect and bag evidence
What is the core body temperature? 37 degrees average human temperature
What is a corpse? A dead body
what is negative impression? impression formed by grooves in a tyre or shoe
What is positive impression? Exact image i.e pattern of a shoe or tyre
What is pathology? the study of the cause of death
what is DNA? deoxyribonucleic acid
what is fibres? strands of material
what is ballistics? the study of guns
What is a finger print? patterns of ridges on the finger and toe
why is fingerprints important? everyone has different finger prints, no one has the exact same finger print in the world
What is porous and non-porous? absorbs body oils and doesn't absorb body oils
What is physical evidence? large pieces of evidence
what is humicide? manslaughter or murder
what is a tool mark? marks left by a tool
what is toxicology? the study of the effects of poisons and chemicals
what is trace evidence? microscopic evidence
what do tool marks depend on -the type of tool -faults in the tool -the sharpness
ways of determining time of death? -colour of skin -type/life cycle -extent of rigor mortis
where can you find a fingerprint? -painted surfaces -plastics -metallic objects
what is autopsy? dissection of the body
what is cctv? closed circuit TV
what is dioxins? a form of poison
what is composite a form of finger print
what is loops? a form of fingerprints?
what is a identikit? identification where the facial features are put together
what is a ricin? form of poison
what is whorls? fingerprints in the shape of whorls
what is the Bertillon system? when body sizes are measured
what is assassination? political murder
what is autoradiogram? identifying DNA
what is diatoms? microscopic organisms in the water
what are alpha rays? nuclear radiation
why do pathologists perform an autopsy? -confirm the identity of the corpse -determine the cause of death
How do the police prove that the suspect was there at the scene? -tracking -finger prints -DNA
name the six steps in a crime scene? -sample is collected -extract dna -multiple copies of the DNA -Dna is chopped into fragments -fragments sorted in size -patterns of DnA
name four basic finger prints -loop -arch -whorl -composite
what are the advantages of an identikit over an artist. -didn't depend on an artist -allowed combinations of features -allowed a realistic image
What are the two types of death in an autopsy? -suspicious death -natural death
If someone gets stabbed what is one advantage? -what hand the person uses
what is an E-passport? passport with a chip in it?
what is a retina? back of the eye
what is the iris? coloured ring of the eye
what is extortion? threats and blackmails
what is chromatography? using solvents to separate colours of ink
what is identity fraud? pretending to be someone else
what is fluoresce? shining into a special light
what is intaglio? raised printing
what is a binary code? when an computer stores information
what is a smart gate? gate that reads E-passports
what is polymer film? plastic used to make bank notes
when is it virtual to know an identity of someone? -when crossing a border -claiming a border -gain accès to high security
What can Forensics help to determine when blackmails and threats get sent? -if signature is real -who wrote the letter
what are some stuff of knowing a bank note is real? -microprinting -water marks -the material
what is a counterfeit note? a fake bank note
how can handwriting help forensics? everyone has their own characteristics features in their handwritings.
What is Australia's bank notes made out of? Polymer film-plastic
Name one thing unique about Australia's bank notes? It has an image of a seven pointed star that only shows under the light.
What poem is written on the $10 Australian note? The man from snowy river
how has america put their border security more secure? by adding the fingerprint scanner
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