science end of term unit 1.2


Karteikarten am science end of term unit 1.2, erstellt von Mohamed Alboraich am 04/12/2016.
Mohamed Alboraich
Karteikarten von Mohamed Alboraich, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Mohamed Alboraich
Erstellt von Mohamed Alboraich vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
define alpha rays: form of nuclear radiation.
define anthropometry: study of body size
define arches: a form of fingerprint in an arch form
define assassination: political murder
define autopsy: dissection of a body
define auto radiogram: pattern that represents DNA pattern
define Bertillon system: measurement of body size
define bio metric facial recignition: when a face is scanned and sent to a computer
define CCTV: closed circuit tv
define composite: a form of fingerprint
define diatoms: microscopic organisms found in water.
define dioxins: a form of poisen
define gel electrophoresis: a proccess where DNA is cut and analysed.
define identikit: form of identification.
define loops: a form of fingerprints in form of loops.
define Polonium-210: radioactive material
define retroactive interference: changes in the memory of the eye witness.
define ricin: a form of poisen
define whorls: a form of fingerprint
how many types of fingerprints are there? there are 4 types of fingerprints.
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