Social Sciences Unit 5 Short Questions


Karteikarten am Social Sciences Unit 5 Short Questions, erstellt von David Andrino am 04/12/2016.
David Andrino
Karteikarten von David Andrino, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
David Andrino
Erstellt von David Andrino vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
1. What are called economic activities? What is carried out by humans in order to adquire goods that satisfy consumer's needs
2. What are called the economic goods? How can they be classified? Products and services. By composition, function and owneership
3. What are the factors of production? Resources requiered for the generation of economic goods
4. Types and subtypes of economic factors. Explain each one of them · Natural resources: Obtained directly from nature. Three types: - Renewable - Partially-Renewable -Non-renewable · Human resources: People who exploit factors of production · Capital. Material, technical and financial resources that are needed to abtain products and services
5. What are the economic agents?Which are they? The elements that have a role in converting factors of production into goods: - People and families -Companies -The state
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