Reliability and Validity of Diagnosis


A level Psychology (Clinical) Karteikarten am Reliability and Validity of Diagnosis, erstellt von Niamh C am 12/12/2016.
Niamh C
Karteikarten von Niamh C, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Niamh C
Erstellt von Niamh C vor mehr als 7 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Concurrent Validity How well two similar tests correlate in terms of results.
Aetiological Validity How well causal factors correlate between sufferers of the same disorder or illness.
Predictive Validity How well a clinician can predict how a disorder will progress
Descriptive Validity -How much the disorder matches with the diagnostic manual. -Patients suffering from different disorders should have different symptoms. -Comorbidity reduces descriptive validity.
Inter-Rater Reliability How closely two clinicians agree on a diagnosis.
Test-Retest Reliability If a test is repeated and gets the same or similar results.
Ford and Widiger Clinicians diagnose people with different genders with different illnesses, despite them having the same symptoms.
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