Chapter 6, 10


IMC chapter 6, 10
Lydia Schmidt
Karteikarten von Lydia Schmidt, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Lydia Schmidt
Erstellt von Lydia Schmidt vor etwa 8 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Why consumer behaviour? - to decide which elements to use in IMC we need to understand how the consumer is likely to react - CB can help as it explores the process and activities the Consumer in involved in during a decision making
What is problem recognition? which sources exist? - occurs when there is a perceived discrepancy between the consumer's ideal and the actual state Sources: out of stock, dissatisfaction, new needs and wants, product related purchase, marketer induced recognition, new products
What prompts new needs and wants? financial changes employment status Lifestyle Knowledge Culture Personality
What is the psychoanalytic approach by Freud? - theory about unconscious psychological operations
What sources of consumer information search do you know? - personal sources - public sources - market sources - personal experience
what is the selective perception process? what stages are there? = the tendency not to notice and more likely to forget those stimuli that cause emotional discomfort and don't contradict with our prior beliefs selective exposure selective attention selective comprehension selective retention
Name the two different attributes of brand evaluation 1. objective - features - price - Warranty - service 2. subjective - image - performance - style
What are the different perspectives of a consumer's view? 1. Functional 2. Psychosocial
What is satisfaction? - when the expectations of the consumer are either met or exceeded
What is dissatisfaction? - the performance is below the consumer's expectations
What is cognitive dissonance? - refers to a feeling of psychological tension or post-purchase doubt a consumer may experience after making a difficult purchase choice
what is cognitive orientation? - looks at the consumer as a decision maker that engages in various mental activities in evaluating and choosing among alternatives
Name and explain three alternatives of decision making 1. routine response behaviour: purchase of low-priced and frequently purchased products is based on a habitual or routine choice process 2. limited problem-solving: low complexity, little thoughts/ time/effort required 3. Extended problem solving: most complex and detailed form of decision making -> in this case the marketer needs to provide the consumer with detailed info
Which external factors influence the consumer? Culture Sub-cultures Social class Reference groups situational determinants
Which values of objectives do you know? 1. Communications: objectives facilitate the coordination between the various groups working on the project 2. Planning and decision-making: particular promotional objectives guide the development of the IMC plan 3. Measurement and control: objectives provide benchmark against which the success or failure of the promotional campaign is measured
Compare marketing and IMC objectives Marketing objectives: - generally stated in a firm's Marketing plan - achieved through the overall marketing plan - quantifiable, such as sales, market share, ROI - to be accomplished in a given period of time - must be realistic and affinable to be affective IMC Objectives - derived from overall marketing plan - more narrow than Marketing objectives - based on particular communication tasks - designed to deliver a appropriate message - focused on a specific target audience
What are characteristics of objects? - attainable - specific - quantifiable - realistic - measurable
Name the four characteristics of objects through Colley 1. concrete and measurable 2. target audience 3. Benchmark and degree of change sought 4. specified time period
What is Inside-out-planning, what outside-in planning? I-s-o - focuses on what the marketer wants, When they want it, how, they want it, what they think is important and where they want it O-s-i - focuses on the consumer - works backwards
What factors influence the Advertising Budget? - Product life cycle - product durability - differentiation - hidden product qualities - product price - purchase frequency
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